Sunday, May 18, 2003

Vacuum Cleaners
Yes, that's right. They were looking for weapons of mass destruction. (I still can't quite bring myself to treat them lightly enough to use the ubiquitous abbreviation.)

According to The Washington Post "They reached a murky stone passage, smelling of mold. Cement covered its windows. Steel doors, a dull orange, lined the hall.

Interrogation cells? Munitions vaults?

One last bolt snapped. The door creaked open and Deal stepped through. There, in the innermost chamber, he found a cache of vacuum cleaners."

The search team has "dug up a playground, raided a distillery, seized a research paper from a failing graduate student and laid bare a swimming pool where an underground chemical weapons stash was supposed to be."

I totally don't get why the media and the public aren't calling the Bush administration on this. I certainly remember going into Iraq because Hans Blix' team wasn't finding them quickly enough. Or are the questions being asked but not being reported by the conservative/Bush-loving media?

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